This is the application process and form
Click here to skip to the application form.
Click here if you have applied but have not paid yet.
If the pandemic has hit you hard financially and the entry fee is difficult for you, we can waive your fee. No questions asked.
- WHO – The NJAS is open to all artists living and working in Southern Ontario.
- Where – The NJAS takes place every April in the Serpa Galleries of Newmarket Old Town Hall, at 460 Botsford Street in Newmarket. See the News section for a map.
- Your original work
- One or two pieces of work
- No copies, no kits or patterns, nothing created under instruction* and nothing you have entered to a previous NJAS (*See FAQ for explanation)
- No AI-generated content
- Pretty much any media except video and jewellery (sorry)
- No limits on age of work
- Your entry gives the Newmarket Juried Art Show the right to show accepted works for publicity, educational and reference purposes.
- One image per 2D piece of work, but up to 3 images per 3D piece of work
- JPG, JPEG, PNG only
- Try for 2000 pixels or more on long side, but don’t worry about it unless you have bandwidth limitations (data plan, rural internet, etc) – contact us if you need help
- If there are quality issues we will work with you to improve, if we can
- $40 Jurying Fee, not refundable, covers all work entered
- No other fees
- We will waive the entry fee for artists who have been hit hard financially by the pandemic. Honour system – we won’t ask.
- There will be partial refunds if the venue is unable to open
- Cash, cheque and e-transfer are best for us; PayPal is also available
- Receipts, not for tax purposes, are issued after the show
- Work may be for sale, but does not have to be
- NJAS takes no commission. The Gallery may take a small commission, in the range of 3% to 5%, or a flat amount of a couple of dollars to cover their costs in handling the sale. They never have done so.
- Due Date: 5 p.m. Saturday, March 15, 2025
- Dropoff: Sunday April 13, 11 am to 3 pm
- Show: Tuesday April 15 to Saturday April 26 at the Gallery; much longer online
- Reception: Wednesday April 16, 7 to 9:30 pm, live in the OTH (NOTE: Wednesday this year only)
- Pickup: Sunday April 27, 11 am to 3 pm
- Three jurists, usually. In the past we have had gallerists, curators, past presidents of OSA and practicing art instructors
- The Jury’s decision is final
- Results will be communicated as soon as possible after the submission deadline, usually within two weeks.
- We are on Instagram and Facebook as @NewmarketJuriedArtShow
- We feature our artists on Instagram every day or two after the Reception, and do an Awards review in the Fall
- We have had Virtual Reality shows with ArtGateVR a few times
- Our online shows on our website are pretty nice, too, we think :^)>
How to enter and pay
- Artist information and images are submitted on this webpage only. Our Privacy Policy is available here, too.
- To start the submission, you will give the artist name & contact information.
- After that, you will give the information and images for one or two pieces of work. For each artwork you submit, include title, dimensions of work in inches, medium, sale price (or NFS), insurance value and a brief artist’s statement about the piece.
- You may submit one image for each 2D piece of work, and an additional one or two for each 3D piece of work. JPEG and PNG images only are accepted, and will be viewed on a high-resolution monitor. The second image is for 3D pieces.
- To make your life easier, re-size and rename your files before starting to fill in your application, if necessary.
- Large image files with lots of definition will look best to the jury panel. On 3D works the 2nd 3rd image can be used for different views. On 2D work, such as a painting, you can submit an overall image, generally without framing; please do not use the second image.
- NOTE: In some cases you will want to make your image file size somewhat smaller, especially if your email service or data plan sets a limit. If this is a problem, please contact us early to discuss solutions. For example, if you are taking photos from your phone you can find compression apps like LitPhoto ( Be sure to look carefully at the result to make sure your work still looks good.
- File Naming (This is important): Use only alphanumeric characters (alphabet and digits plus dash and underscore) in your file names. It is helpful, but not required, if the file name matches the title. If you do not know how to change a file name, don’t worry.
- Payment options are on the online entry form: PayPal, e-transfer or cheque. Cheques have to arrive by the deadline. PayPal takes a percentage of your payment for itself.