Important Dates

Our dates are pretty predictable now:

  • Call to Artists: Early January
  • Due Date: Mid-March
  • Jury Panel & Notifications soon after that
  • Show: Two weeks in mid-April
  • Reception: First Thursday of the Show, 7-9:30 pm. Free to all, including beverages & catered refreshments

The Show takes place in the Serpa Galleries of Newmarket Old Town Hall, at 460 Botsford Street in Newmarket. Public entrances are off Timothy Street and Market Square.

2024 NJAS Reception

All photographs by Renato Petean Marino. Click an image to get a larger version.
The Awards are mentioned in the post just after this one.

2024 NJAS Awards

Here are the Awards, as announced at the Reception, April 18. You might have to scroll sideways on your mobile.

Jurists’ ChoiceMaryLouHurleyMiss DelphineWasim Jarrah
Award of MeritStellaCapognaShip of FoolsAndrew Slonetsky
Award of MeritAngieRadSunset PaddleRobins IDA
Award of MeritSandraCormier TurnsekFancy Shawl DancerRobins IDA
Award of MeritSteveLeskewSuccessionJackie Playter
Award of MeritBobTunnochMetamorphosis MartiniBob & Barb Kwapis
Award of MeritMariaPetrovCascadeJackie Playter
Award of MeritDeniseBrookerLittle Pink TractorStirred Interiors
Award of MeritHeatherSmileyThe ValleyBike Sports

The 2024 NJAS Artists

Ramiro Quiros | Charlotte Sprague | Sabrina Leeder | Sarah Cowley | Kevin Ford | Angie Rad | MaryLou Hurley | Sheila Romard | Zahra Nasrin | wayne smile | Bill Stephens | Sandra Cormier Turnsek | B Dass | William Lottering | Suzie Persa | Bret Culp | MF Herzog |
Steve Leskew | Irene Schaefer | Sibernie James-Bosch | Jane Wang | Janice Jones | Mahtab Abdollahi | Scott Visscher | David Paolini | Stella Capogna | Paulette Fleary | Laura Higgins |
Sean Stone | Allan Flagel | Bob Tunnoch | Linda Szoldatits | Rashmi Baird | Renato Petean Marino | Ghazaleh Naderian | ANITA GIANCOLA | Betty Cowan | Maria Petrov | Julia Sperry | Ilja Hup-Warmels | Denise Brooker | Heather Smiley | Calm Ghosts | Terri Mittelmann

Congratulations to all!

The Show opens April 17, and the reception is on the 18th, 7:00 – 9:30. It’s free & open to everyone.

2024 Work Is In!

We had submissions from an even hundred artists (well, maybe one more – technical difficulties maybe). So pretty much tied with last year. Thanks, everyone, for trusting us with your work.

The Jury Panel meets March 28, and notifications will be sent within two days after that. We will post an intro to our jury in a day or two.

Today is a VERY busy day – downloading the last entries, cross-checking with payments etc.

Web gallery is ready

The online version of the 2023 Show is ready, and will be published Monday, May 1.

Check out the galleries from past shows and you will see that we are really full-service! Each artist gets a full page, linked in from the thumbnail gallery, and featuring a full-size image of their work, details and statement about the work, and contact info (linked if applicable).

The pages are based on templates we have developed ourselves, so the entire show has a consistent, professional look and feel. Each page takes from 5 to 10 minutes of work, not counting the time to arrange the spreadsheet the data is pulled from, so it represents a few hours of (volunteer) time.

We think it’s worth it, and hope you do too.

By the way – we work in WordPress. We have been documenting our processes, as we hope to be able to pass some aspects of the organizing and running of the show on to a younger crew. We’re in our 70s, so pretty much everyone is younger :^)>

To that end, I have added a selection to the contact form so you can volunteer.

Award Winners

It was really hard to choose Award winners this year – more than usual! So much good work… But here they are:

Award WinnersArtistWorkDonor
Jurists’ ChoiceDaniel RossWarmthWasim Jarrah
PaintingVera WaltonStories to TellJackie Playter
DrawingPeter MoxonEntwined ForeverJackie Playter
3D (Sculpture, ceramics, pottery)Heather MacPhersonGuardian Raven – weight of the worldBike Sports
PhotographyBret CulpOne-Year SolargraphAndrew Slonetsky
Fibre/Mixed MediaKasia LatosNew ResilienceBob & Barb Kwapis
Award of MeritMatthew HerzogPatient ZeroDr T Hunter
Award of MeritBob Tunnoch“From the depths of the Dining Room” weedy sea dragonDr T Hunter
Award of MeritMariela SchiappacasseLunch is readyStirred Interiors
Award of MeritWilliam LotteringTree Circle BCRobins IDA
Congratulations, all!

Save the dates!

The show runs at Newmarket’s Old Town Hall from April 18 to April 29. Check the website for updates, since the Town rents out the space occasionally for private functions (which gives the art a captive audience).
The Opening Reception – our Gala – will be April 20, 7:00 to 9:30. It is free, including snacks & refreshments, and open to all. The Awards, totalling around $1000, will be announced that evening.

Every day from the beginning of this year’s application process, we were ahead of past years. Finally being able to be a Spring Show seems to have worked.
Newmarket Juried Art Show