Meet Our 2021 Artists!

And we have a show. Online, but that’s OK – we were pretty successful in 2020, as you can see by clicking here.

Here are the artists who will be in this year’s show, in no particular order. Congratulations all!

Calm Ghosts
Charlotte Sprague
Anita Van Zeumeren
Nancy Jones
Debra Wronzberg
Marlene Bulas
Josee Savaria
Sherry Lynn
Laura Moreland
Walter Bauer
Donna Wise
Leslie Knight
Heather Berios
Theodore Scott
Helen Simpson
Sandra Murphy
Kathleen Pistor
Elena Gaevskaya
MaryLou Hurley
shoshana lock
Sheila Romard
Xiao Wen Xu
Helen Agalawatte
Leslie Bertin
Paul Williams
Pat Dumas-Hudecki
Alexandra K Conrad
Kate Greenway
Eva Folks
Heike Blohm
Ulla Djelweh
Gina McCloskey
Judy Sherman
Rani Satpute
Sibernie James-Bosch
Julia Russell
Jessie Pearson
Thomas Cornell
Linda Chen
Jennifer McLeod
Heather Smiley
Teresa Dunlop
Marion Plaunt
Donna Greenstein
Caterina Stambolic
Natalia Shields
Laura Higgins
Karen L Bowen

We will stick with our original schedule of starting Sept 18, partly because we need a break and hope to get away for a bit. We will record an online Reception (BYOB) where we will announce the award winners. Once again we will be giving $950 in awards, all of which was donated by Newmarket’s art-loving citizens and businesses. As well, we hope to host a gallery in cyberspace in 3D on ArtGateVR.

NJAS2021 Art Is In!

Many thanks to the 70 artists who sent us work this year!

We are excited, honoured, humbled to see the number of artists who entered this year, and to see the quality of the work they sent.

It’ll be a long night getting it all ready for the jury panel. We meet via Zoom next week to decide what work is in the show, and set the awards. Stay tuned!

Big News – Hoping for Gallery Opening

April 10 – We are booked in for a two-week show at the Serpa Galleries in Newmarket’s Old Town Hall. Our show will start September 18 and run to October 2, assuming the pandemic numbers are down enough to allow the Town to open the facility.

This will have an effect on our fees, of course, as our expenses will be higher than they were last year. You may recall that last year, for the virtual show, we dropped out fees by over 40%; we actually ran a bit into the red.

We put the question to our followers on Instagram – charge full fee and offer refunds if the show can’t go “live”, or charge the online-only fee and ask for more if it can go “live”. There haven’t been many answers yet, but most (all but one, atm) suggest the former, so we will update the entry page soon.

In either case, we will continue to waive the fee for artists who have been hit hard financially by the pandemic.

So, continue to hope, and to interpret these times through your art (or the arts that keep you going day-to-day). Share and enjoy! Think Globally, Art Locally!

“See you in September”

Newmarket Juried Art Show