2020 Gallery

Welcome to the 2020 Newmarket Juried Art Show

The images below are linked to pages where you can see larger versions of the work, along with details such as size and price, the artist’s statement on the work, and information on the artist, including their social media and website links, and links for contact and purchase inquiries.

You can also leave comments at the bottom of this page.

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11 Replies to “2020 Gallery”

  1. Some outstanding works. Rich in diversity of colour, light, structure, dimension and expression. Beautifully curated. Congratulations to awardees. Especially grateful to David and Peggy for their concerted efforts and professional management of this second annual Newmarket Juried Art Show. Thank you!

  2. Dear Peggy and Dave.
    Lovely presentation! (you both looked quite dapper 🙂 )
    I thoroughly enjoyed viewing the artwork. I have no pretenses to “know” art; I know what I like. The warmth and familiarity of “What lies beneath” and “Our Ontario”. The disturbing but thought-provoking “Focus”. At first I did not quite get “Storm Brewing”, but when I read the artists description I was so impressed how the energy to produce then popped the painting for me. And I think my favourite is the Misty Conversation; I always adore trees, and mist. “Wide awake” is just stunning! Thank you for year 2! So well done!

  3. Loved Canoe Confections. Keep adding more contemporary and edgier pieces, look to add street artists to the show. Too bad this piece is NFS!

  4. You’ve given some very talented people the opportunity to show their abilities and that is a wonderful thing.

    “Focus”, “Pai” and “What Lies Beneath” are standouts in an otherwise strong field of entries.

  5. Wonderful works all of these. I agree that “Focus” by Marc Morais is one of the best. Also really like “The Mask” by Marion Plaunt. Thanks for doing this!

  6. Beautiful works by Marc Morais. I’ve followed his growth as an artist for decades, and his passion is inspiring. He so beautifully captured the essence of his father right down to the details of his fathers weathered and strong hands.

  7. Both paintings by Marc Morais are my favourite. The painting of Pai is unbelievable and surreal, it’s gorgeous! Also in love with Focus the details and hidden abstracts within is out of this world in love!!

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Newmarket Juried Art Show